Billy Gunn Shoot Interview
This shoot interview was with none other than the man formerly known as Billy Gun or the man formerly known as Mr Ass. He was the one man who played a huge part in turning around the WWE ratings in the Monday night wars. He was a huge part in one of the most successful WWE gimmicks of all time Degeneration X. He was also a huge WWE player as one of the top dogs. He rolled with the top players and you will not beleive what he has to say about Shawn Michaels and HHH!!!!
He talks about his entire wrestling career from the very start until his most recent days in TNA. He was open about his drug use and steroid use. He was one of the funniest guys that we have sat down with because he has no ego and speaks his mind. He was apart of WWE when they were doing bad and when they were back on top. Does he think HHH married Steph out of love or for the power? What is his take on the curtain call at MSG? Why did he not like HBK and hate HHH? What about the Bret Hart and HBK real life fued, was it a work?
The Outlaw talks about being apart of the Smoking Gunns to being apart of DX with his partner Brian Armstrong. The stories from this time period are amazing. To say he does not like HHH is a understatement. This is the first time that someone actually spoke out on HHH and the political games that he plays.
From all of his major storylines and feuds this interview covers it all. We will look at all of his major wrestling matches and angles as well. This one shoot you do not want to miss. It will be up for sale later this weekend. In fact here is what the Mic had to say as he was able to sit in on this amazing shoot interview.
Billy Gunn Verbally Destroys Triple H
Billy Gunn, who talks about every aspect of his 13 year WWF/WWE career, really lets loose when the name Triple H came out. Billy explained how Triple H stabs people in the back and gives examples on how Triple H stabbed him in the back. Gunn, who was in the company for 13 years, talks about all the politics in the WWE, and talked about the rise of Triple H in the company. Billy even suggested that Triple H married Stephanie McMahon for power and not out of love. It’s always been said by people who HAVEN’T seen Triple H weild his power backstage that Triple H is truly the GAME when it comes to politics, and Billy Gunn is the first person to come right out and call Triple H out on everything. Gunn gives examples of things that Triple H has done and how the wrestlers are scared to knock him out because they don’t want to lose their jobs. For all the Triple H haters out there, Billy Gunn confirms all the rumors and hearsay. It is safe to say that there won’t be a DX reunion anytime soon.
Also in this interview, Billy Gunn openly discussed steroids. Billy admitted to using steroids, but made it known that steroids aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Billy talks about his personal steriod use and how the WWE lifestyle forces you to use them. Billy tells stories about how he was injured and close to being paralyzed but Vince McMahon made Billy wrestle through it.
Billy Gunn was in the WWE from the early 90’s until 2004. Everything is discussed in this shoot interview. I’ll have a full detailed live review of this shoot interview later on this weekend. For people looking to know more about the WWE from the 90’s until now, the influence Triple H has, and so much more, this is one interview you don’t want to miss.
Were you a fan growing up
Did you play sports in high school
When did you start body building
How did your prior sports experiences help you in wrestling
How did you get started
What was the hardest thing about training
What was Jerry Gray (an RFVideo Fla Classics CUSTOMER!) like as a trainer
Did you watch Jerry growing up
How did you come up with the name Kip Winchester
Memories of your first match
How did you meet Bart Gunn
At what point did you guys start teaming up in IWF
Did you know right away you had something special
Did you know right away that tag team wrestling would be your forte’
At what point did you get interest from Titan
Did you get any interest from WCW
What was the initial contact like
How soon did you wind up in the WWF
Do you remember meeting Vince for the first time and initial impressions
Was there any heat on you guys for being so green, yet getting signed
How were you mentally when you first went up there, was it a negative that you were signed after only being a pro for a year
What do you remember about your debut at King of the Ring
How did the Steiners treat you guys
Who did you bond with up there from the start
Did anyone intentionally work really stiff with you guys in the beginning
Initial memories of Hulk Hogan (I think that was his last show)
Initial impressions of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels
How did you react to being managed by Sunny
Was there ever anything that went on with you two outside the ring
Were there problems with you and Candido over jealousy
Memories of your matches with the Bodydonnas
At Survivor Series 93 you worked a dark match, singles. Was that a test to see how you would fair as a singles wrestler
Memories of Lex Luger in and out of the ring
Does it bother you that Maxx Payne brought a camera on the road around this time and is now trying to sell it as a movie
Memories of getting your first tag belts, did it mean something to you or was it business
Memories of matches with the Bruise Brothers (Blu Brothers)
Memories of your match with Public Enemy
Did the locker room have it out for them
How did you react and what did you think when the WWF started bringing in ECW for those angles
Any funny stories about ribs involving the slop during your series with the Godwinns
Memories of matches with Owen and Davey
Any good rib or road stories involving those guys
How quickly did you become friendly with Brian Armstrong
Who was more the captain of calling the matches between you and Bart
Did you two ever have a problem with something one or the other did or wanted to do
How did you hurt your neck in 96 and what was the rehab like
What do you remember about the politics of the Clique during this time
Thoughts on the Clique strike (He may not have been on the road tho with his neck injury)
Thoughts on some of Shawn’s infamous temper tantrum during that time period
DO you think the Clique went too far with their ribs on some people, including crapping peoples food (Sunny)
Whos idea was it to split you guys up
Were you nervous or excited
Memories of your first mainstream singles match at Wrestlemania vs Scorpio
Was there any jealousy with Bart since you were beginning to take off
Who did you have as a mentor for advice during this time
What do you remember about the first fight between Shawn and Bret when Bret ripped Shawns hair out
Thoughts on Rockabilly
What do you think about the fact that Honkytonk Man trashes you and that gimmick quite often in interviews to this day
How did things change in the WWF when Kevin and Scott left
How did Vince change when he started losing the ratings war
How much of the rebound of the WWF do you credit to Vince, Vince Russo, Steve AUstin, and anyone else
Memories of your first matches with Brian as a team
Any good Brian stories from early on
Memories of matches with the Road Warriors
During this time it seemed your confidence came out and showed in the ring and in your television character, was that intentional or was that a result of you and Brian starting to get over
When did you know that the team was working
During 97 and 98 Vince Russo takes a lot of credit and little blame for anything. What was the craziest Vince Russo idea that was either proposed to you or you heard that never was produced
When did you realize the Steve Austin character was taking off
When Rob Van Dam refused to put Brian over during that time period how did you and the other guys react to ECW
Was there an unwritten bias to screw with ECW guys when they would come over
Memories of Brian Pillman
Were you surprised when you heard the news
Did things change among the guys and drug habits after this
What do you remember about the night Bradshaw hogtied Brian Christopher in the shower
What do you remember about Survivor Series 97
Do you think it was a work
Thoughts on Bret Hart
When did you start to become closer to Hunter and Shawn
Thoughts on Chyna
Have you seen the Surreal Life, thoughts
Whos idea was it to put you guys together as DX
Memories of matches with Funk and Cactus
How did life change for you from going to a mid carder to now a top guy
Memories of matches with the Nation
Did you see the star power in Rocky
Whos idea was it to do those invading WCW skits
What would you guys have done if WCW sent shooters out there and taped it
What would you guys have done if WCW let you guys in
Do you credit that with turning the ratings war around
Did you guys hear from any WCW guys during that time period
How crazy was drug use during this time and partying
Could you see Sean and Brian getting out of control
Did you ever say anything to them since they are both your friends and their habits did affect your career
Memories of matches with Ken Shamrock
Were you at the airport with Ken when he ran into the Nasty Boys? If so, what happened.
Thoughts on matches with Jeff jarrett Edge has said that you can tell when you work Jeff whether he is doin the job or not by the effort he puts in, is that accurate?
How did the locker room react when Jericho first came over and did anyone give him a hard time
Do you remember all of the guys screwing with Don Callis
At what point could you see Hunter start becoming an influence politically
At what point did Vince begin to change with success once he started winning the wars again
Do you think Vince has lost his edge without competition
Was there ever any negotiations between you and WCW at all during your WWF career
What do you remember about the night Owen passed away
Do you think the PPV should have continued
Who came up with the Mr. Ass gimmick
Did you like it
How did the locker room react when Taz came over and did anyone give him a hard time
Memories of your King of the Ring win
Were you promised a big singles push
Again, was there any jealousy on Brians end since you were getting more of a push
Do you think it was fair to release Brian and Sean
Are you surprised Brian didn’t clean up and return
Memories of the kiss my ass match with Rock
Thoughts about working with Rock and Austin
You worked Triple H after he won the title on Smackdown and most people called that a breakout match for you, was there any plan to push you two as a program
Do you think it got ridiculous with Chyna beating all the guys
Memories of your first match with Guerrero and Malenko when Guerrero broke his arm on the first night in
Memories and thoughts on working with Benoit
Is he as good as they say
At what point were you and the guys told officially that WWF was buying WCW
Do you think the invasion angle and the programs were botched
How were WCW guys treated by the core WWF crew
Thoughts on when Paul Heyman joined the team
Thoughts on Paul overall, as a creator, etc Was it hard to take him seriously after the way he screwed over a lot of his boys on the way out
How did you and Chuck wind up put together
Compare teaming with him as compared to your other partners
What was it about the team that started getting over
Thoughts on Rob Van Dam
Were you on the plane ride from hell and thoughts if so
Thoughts and memories of matches with the Dudleys
Thoughts on when the posted your mug shot and went into details about your divorce
What was Butkus Sports
What happened in 1990 in the disorderly conduct arrest
When you dropped Mr Ass and used the One and BG, whos idea was that
Do you think Tough Enough exposed the business too much
Thoughts on when Bob Holly went on there and beat up Matt Cappotelli
Who came up with the wedding angle
Did it bother you that the team was portrayed as homosexual
Thoughts on working with Hogan
Thoughts on rehabbing in OVW
Memories of your last series with Kenzo Suzuki
At what point did your problems begin to circle out of control that WWE felt the need to send you to rehab
How were you notified
What lead to your release
Were you surprised at your release
Did you see the writing on the wall for awhile, because you had begun visiting the TNA tapings a while back
Intial thoughts on TNA
Do you think Stephanie knows what she is doing
Thoughts on your match with Nash
It is reported that Brian is upset that you are making more than him, thoughts Thoughts on this recent statement by Kevin Nash in the Torch “”We’re doing rural wrestling and we’re on Fox Sports Net. We’re in the 27 largest metropolitan areas and that’s it. We should be doing urban wrestling. We’re doing rural. Dusty sits in the back of a pick-up truck with hay bails. Hey, Dusty, quick clue. A little something from me to you. Become Fat Joe, have a couple of black bi—es, and be in an Escalade. then we’ll do a number (a high rating). What the f–‘s going on? I’m 46 years old and I’m the hippest guy in the room. What the f— is that?”
Do you think TNA will be around in a year
Would you like to go back to the WWF
Do you have to work or are you financially set
Rib and road stories
Favorite guys to work and fav matches
Least fav guys to work and least fav matches
Thoughts on the Internet and Newsletters
How do you react when guys like Dave Meltzer call you a terrible worker
How would you rate yourself as worker
Thoughts on the indys
Do you think Hunter puts himself over too much at the benefit of the company
How do you think Cena and Batista will do
Do you think that Vince will have to go back to guys like yourself, Brian, Rock, etc the stars from his last big run to succeed
Thoughts on AJ Styles
Thoughts on Randy Orton
Better booker, Dusty or Jeff
Thoughts on WWE going back to USA
Will you be doing any wrestling in Japan
Who was ur fav partner
What are your goals for the next year
If TNA got the Rock do you think it would make a big difference
Thoughts on the current lack of kayfabe
Do you think it is a conflict of interest Triple H being married to Stephanie
Thoughts on the whole Edge-Lita-Matt Hardy deal
Who do you enjoy watching today