Celeste Bonin Shoot Interview
There are literally hundreds of indy women wrestlers with one dream and goal in mind, which is to make it to the big time, the WWE. For one Celeste Bonin (FKA Kaitlyn in the WWE) that dream became reality when she was excepted and welcomed by the WWE after a try out in FCW where she stood out and was instantly invited to be apart of the WWE developmental system down in Florida.
Her story really is unique because after a very short amount of time she was called up to take part of Season 3 of NXT after really having a limited amount of training. Her first match ever was in front of a live crowd. Her training for the most part was in front of a global audience and to much of the surprise of everyone she won the season as she was also paired with the very outspoken Vicki Guerrero. Kaitlyn had a very athletic background in which she talks about during this interview which might have helped her excel into the spotlight with her bodybuilding career where she won several prestigious competitions. We talk all about her background in body building and fitness.
Once on WWE TV Kaitlyn was still training in FCW with a lot of the other future stars of the Diva division and formed a close bond with current WWE Diva Champion AJ. You will hear all about their friendship which started in FCW and lasted to her very last match of her WWE career in Philadelphia where she asked for her release. We talk in great detail about their matches together, forming a tag team and eventually their split where AJ beat her for the belt and of course their historic contract signing which led to that match.
Along the way Kaitlyn’s career was amazing as she got to work with every girl in the division and eventually became the face of the WWE women’s division by capturing the WWE Diva Champion in her hometown of Houston TX by defeating one of her favorite women to work with Eve Torres.
You will hear all about training and coming up with the other girls in the company like Aksana, Maxine, Naomi, AJ and countless others. We cover her entire stay in FCW up until she got her big break on NXT and than getting to work Smackdown. You will hear all about her pairing with Dolph Ziggler and what it was like to go to TV for the first time. What happened backstage in the locker room early on and where did the new girls have to change. How were they treated by the rest of the locker room and did politics ever come into play.
You will hear all about her interactions with the front office wether it was with her number one supporter HHH or even Vince McMahon himself. We discuss her program with Vickie Guerrero which really helped put her on the map. You will hear all about her matches with LayCool and how much pressure was there to work with Undertakers wife. How did the veteran girls treat her like the Bella Twins, Natalya, Kelly Kelly, and Beth Phoenix? She talks in great detail on what it was like to step in the ring with almost every name in the Diva division. Kaitlyn holds nothing back and her stories are in great detail as she paints a great picture of her experiences.
You will hear all about the formation of her tag team with AJ the Chickbusters and how that got started. She got to work with some of the top acts like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Big E, AJ and countless others. Kaitlyn talks about being on the road full time for the WWE and who she traveled with. You will hear how she was able to eventually break thru and become one of the WWE’s top girls as she worked with AJ after their split which eventually lead her to face Eve Torres and capture the Diva title.
We talk about her angles with Aksana as she was the mysterious attacker and everything in between, trust me RFVIDEO asks her everything you would want to know about her entire WWE career. Kaitlyn is also very open and honest about her health scare which at one point which she had to talk to the office about. You will hear how supportive they were with her in getting her the help she needed to get back on track.
Was she upset that she was not part of Total Divas reality TV show and what lead her to leave the company and ask for her release in Baltimore MD the night before her final match in Philadelphia with AJ. Kaitlyn was around the biggest names in the business and she has stories on John Cena, Randy Orton, Undertaker, CM Punk, HHH, and so many more that she shared the locker room with.
If you are a fan of the current WWE product and love the WWE Divas division this is a shoot interview you won’t want to miss. The interview is two and a half hours and there is never a dull moment as she has a great way of telling stories and does not just give us quick answers. Plus it does not hurt the interview that she looks incredibly sexy and her beauty shines thru the screen.
What was your first memory of wrestling?
Did you go to wrestling shows as a kid?
Were you always an athlete growing up? If so, what sports?
What led to you getting into bodybuilding and the fitness world?
After having gone through both worlds, what’s more competitive – pro wrestling or bodybuilding?
Which workout and dieting routine is harder on the body – wrestling or bodybuilding?
You won the National Physique Committee, John Sherman Classic Bodybuilding Figure and Fitness Championship, in 2007 – walk us through what the preparation for a competition like that is and what it’s like on the day of the competition.
How do politics come into play in the Fitness world.
Break down competing in the Arnold Classic – where you placed fifth in the NPC Figure Class D competition – and talk us through what competition at that level is like?
Did you ever have a chance to meet Arnold?
WWE sometimes has representatives at the Arnold – is that how you came into the business?
If not, how did you get signed by the company?
What was the pre-signing medical and physical requirements like?
When you were signed, were there any promises made to you about how you would be used or what was required of you?
What was the signing process like?
You went to Florida to train in developmental and were there for a few weeks as Celeste and then Rikki Vaugn. Memories of those early days where you were doing the bikini contests but not wrestling?
What were the other developmental talents like? Was there a supportive locker room or was it very competitive.
When were you told you were being sent to debut on the women’s season of NXT?
What was your first reaction to knowing you were going to debut on TV without having trained?
What aspects of being on camera as a WWE Diva were you most and least prepared for?
Was anything said to you about why you were replacing Aloisa on the series?
Did you have any interaction with her before she was let go?
Did you notice any resentment from the other developmental girls since you were going on TV so quickly?
You were paired with Vickie Guerrero on NXT- what was she like?
Talk us through what it’s like the first day you are backstage at a WWE TV taping?
Was it hard to figure out the backstage etiquette?
Was anyone watching out for you to make sure you didn’t make any political mistakes?
Where did the Kaitlyn name come from?
Did you have any say in the name?
Your first week on TV, you were in a dance contest and WWE had you in a Capture the Flag competition. What are your memories of being involved in the NXT competitions and how much was scripted so that you were aware of what you were walking into vs. you were being tossed on TV with no idea what was going to happen with the competitions?
Was there a favorite competition they booked you into? One that you hated the most?
Who was writing NXT week to week and what input did you get to have?
On the second week, you wrestled your first ever match ever – and it was on live TV- what is that pressure like?
Memories of the match – you and Dolph Ziggler vs. AJ Lee and Primo?
How were Ziggler and Primo in terms of working with you and AJ since they were the more experienced workers?
What are you going through when it’s over and you’ve accomplished a pretty rare thing in any profession – doing it for the first time live in front of a global audience?
Was developing in front of the audience a blessing or a hindrance? Why?
What are your first memories of meeting AJ?
Were you as close as they booked you to appear on camera?
How has she changed with success, if at all?
While you are on TV for NXT, you are also training in Florida – what was your typical week like at that point?
What was your first impressions of training in the ring – what did you expect about the physicality and how much harder was it than you expected?
What was a normal day of training like?
Was there ever a point where you wanted out?
Was there anyone you specifically would consider your mentor when it comes to training?
What did these names bring to the developmental system and your training in particular: Joey Matthews, Steve Keirn, Dusty Rhodes, Norman Smiley, Billy Kidman.
Early memories of Aksana and Naomi in developmental?
Memories of Maxine?
Are you surprised she chose to leave the wrestling business?
Why do you think Jaimie Keynes was cut so quickly on NXT?
Any insight into why she was let go by the company since most talents eliminated from NXT ended up on the main roster in the end anyway?
How were the “Pros” on the NXT season three to deal with?
Initial memories of the Bellas, Alicia Fox, Kelly Kelly, Goldust.
Did the main roster Divas treat the NXT Divas differently from main roster talents backstage?
How involved were The McMahons and Triple H in the week to week of NXT?
How far in advance would you know what was planned for the show?
They built a love triangle with you, Vickie and Dolph over the course of the season – any idea why it never really continued on the main roster?
You made your PPV debut at Night of Champions walking Dolph to the ring and being sent away by Vickie. Memories of that debut?
Is the pressure for a PPV different from a live TV show?
Memories on teaming up with Laycool Layla and Michelle McCool to work Kelly Kelly, Naomi and Jamie?
Was Michelle easy to work with or did she have special treatment since she was with Taker?
What did you think of the angle where you and Guerrero were split to set up wrestling her?
Do you think Vickie likes to be on the road and do TV and do you think her heart is into the business since she was never a talent before Eddy had passed?
Were you surprised when you were told you were main eventing against Vickie?
What was your reaction when you were booked to puke on Vickie on the Halloween episode?
Memories of your matches with Naomi the last few weeks of the season?
Were you surprised when you won Season 3?
After you won, how quickly did they explain where and when you’d end up on the main roster? Was there a plan right away for you?
How did going to Smackdown differ from NXT in terms of the planning, the writing, and being able to voice your opinion on what you were being booked to do?
Memories of debuting on Smackdown with Kelly Kelly against LayCool?
Thoughts on Kelly?
Do you think we’ll ever see her back in WWE?
You weren’t featured a lot early on – was it frustrating for you?
What was your first reaction when you were told they were booking you and AJ into a tag team?
Where did the Chickbusters tag team name come from?
Were the younger girls getting mentored by any of the more veteran divas?
Memories of working with Natalya and doing six man tags with her?
On Total Divas they present Natalya as the girl who never really gets the main event attention but is called upon by the company to help out and do things for them – do you think that was art imitating life?
Did you feel the women were being given enough time and attention to truly be spotlighted during that time on Smackdown?
Thoughts and memories of working with Gail Kim, Tamina, Rosa Mendes and Beth Phoenix?
Were you surprised when Gail quit WWE?
WWE booked Natalya to turn on you and AJ, then team with Beth against you – memories of those matches?
Do you think that was booked to give you experience working with the vets?
WWE brought you back to NXT with the Redemption season – did you feel this was a step backwards after winning and moving up to the main roster?
How do you compare the Redemption season to the season you won?
You began feuding with Maxine over Derrik Bateman (now EC3 in TNA). Memories of working with Bateman?
Were you surprised WWE never got behind him?
Did you prefer doing the romantic storyline stuff or the athletic wrestling more?
Memories of working with Johnny Curtis, now Fandango?
You had a chance to team with Tamina on NXT – thoughts on her and how she’s evolved?
Did anyone have any idea as to when NXT Redemption was actually going to end? Did the workers all feel like it was taking forever too?
You wrestled Natalya for the first time in a singles bout on NXT – what does Natalya bring to the table as a performer?
You are brought back to Smackdown and almost immediately, you and AJ begin building to the Chickbusters breaking up. When were you told that was the plan and how did you each feel about it?
You get booked into your first WWE PPV match at Money in the Bank 2012, teaming with Layla and Tamina against Beth, Eve and Natalya – how do you compare working that match to working your first ever bout on NXT in terms of pressure and excitement?
They began a storyline between you and Eve over the General Manager’s Assistant job on Smackdown. Memories and thoughts on Torres and working with her?
They started a storyline where you became the top contender to Layla’s Diva title only to be attacked by someone under a mask, so Eve would take your title shot – when you were told those were the plans, were you disappointed?
Was the plan always for Aksana to be revealed as the person who attacked you?
What was it like teaming with Layla? Why did she disappear from the Divas roster in 2013?
How had Aksana changed as a worker since developmental days?
Memories of the feud with Eve, which saw you work several PPV bouts against her?
In the middle of it, WWE put you in a Santa’s Little Helper match – did you ever mind having to do the sillier stipulation matches like the dance offs or dressing in sexy outfits in WWE?
Were you ever promised the title during the feud, only to have them change the plans?
You are booked to win the belt in your hometown on Raw – did you know Torres was planning the leave the company? Memories of the win?
What does winning the title mean to you personally?
How does your role in the Divas locker room change now that you are carrying the title?
WWE began building a relationship between you and Cody Rhodes, only to drop it – why?
Memories of defending the belt against Tamina?
WWE began the secret admirer storyline, which led to Big E. Langston revealing himself only to embarrass you at AJ’s request – memories of that angle?
What made you add the Simpson’s references to the vignettes?
What’s the best episode of the Simpsons?
Best character?
This led to you getting to team with Daniel Bryan vs. AJ and Ziggler – memories of that match?
You and AJ begin feuding again and you lose the championship to her. Why do you have that great in-ring chemistry with her?
Do you think she was the person you had your best chemistry with in the ring? If so, why?
Did anyone else come close?
Thoughts on the company turning Layla heel against you?
Were you surprised WWE gave you the angle with the public contract signing since that’s usually an angle reserved for PPV main event bouts?
Which of your matches with AJ did you think was the best and why?
Summerslam memories: teaming with Dolph Ziggler to face AJ and Big E at Summerslam
Why do you think that the office is not behind a major push for Dolph who happens to be one of the hardest workers in the company and in my opinion of of the best bump and feeder guys in the business?
After the Summerslam tag, your push seemed to stop and the focus was put on other women and other directions – any idea why?
What were your thoughts on the Total Divas reality series?
Were you invited to take part?
Did you feel that the women who weren’t involved weren’t treated on the same level anymore?
How excited were you to get your own action figure?
You got engaged – how did that factor into your decision to leave the company?
What was the moment that made you decide you wanted out?
How did the office react when you told them you wanted to leave the company?
Was it hard to get your release?
Towards the end on house shows, they had you teaming with heels- did they ever want to turn you heel?
Was there anyone in the company you wanted to work with but didn’t have the chance?
What’s the best and worst part of being a WWE Diva?
Favorite moments in the company?
Tell us something that nobody really knows about you?\
What have you been doing outside of the business and what are your future plans?
Would you ever go back to the WWE?
Do you follow TNA at all?
What’s your interest in working the independent scene or Japan?
Is there anything you want to say to your fans out there?
Have we seen the last of you as a wrestler?
Randy Orton
John Cena
Cody Rhodes
Rey Jr
Big Show
Bella Twins
CM Punk
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