ECW Hardcore TV Episodes 267-270
Perfect Quality 4 hrs. Featured is the start of the buildup to Heatwave 9
8. Some exciting matches & great angles fill up the four hour tape. Featured matches are Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible I-Quit, Shane Douglas returns to the ring & teams with Chris Candido to take on Sabu/Rob Van Dam & a ton of new chapters written in the Taz-Bigelow feud.
1 Sandman vs Buh Buh Dudley – Jack Victory debuts/Wild brawl
2 Beulah McGullicutty vs Bill Alfonso
3 Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible – I-Quit Match
4 Preview:Taz-Bigelow
5 Tommy Dreamer challenges The Dudleys – Bog Brawl
6 FBI vs Meanie/Nova
7 Taz-Bam Bam Bigelow brawl
8 Intr:Sabu/Van Dam/Fonzie
9 Sabu vs Ulf Herman
10 Rob Van Dam vs Kronus
11 Chris Candido/Lance Storm vs Chris Chetti/Mikey Whipwreck
12 Intr:Candido/Storm/Francine
13 Recap:Dudleys vs Dreamer/Beulah
14 Intr:Dudleys/Gertner/Victory – Dreamer/Sandman jump them
15 Beulah Video
16 Sandman vs Buh Buh Dudley – .Beulahs brother debuts
17 FBI vs Nova/Meanie – Taz cleans house
18 Rob Van Dam vs Lance Storm
19 New Jack-Jack Victroy brawl
20 Preview:Dudleys vs Dreamer/Spike/Sandman
21 Junkyard Dog Tribute
22 Kronus vs Jamie Dundee
23 Recap:Beulahs brothers debut
24 Raven-Dreamer confrontation 1/5/96
25 Intr:Wright/Dudleys/Victory/Gertner
26 Intr:Triple Threat
27 Shane Douglas/Chris Candido vs Sabu/Rob Van Dam
1 Sandman vs Buh Buh Dudley – Jack Victory debuts/Wild brawl