Homicide & Julius Smokes Shoot Interview
The DOI just sat down for our best shoot interview yet, as we just wrapped up a 3 hour shoot interview with TNA Tag Team Champion, Homicide and one of the best managers in professional wrestling today, Julius Smokes aka J-Train.
The DOI is aware of other companies who’ve done shoot interviews with Homicide, but DOI took it to the next level, as this is the longest shoot interview with Homicide on the market today! It’s also the cheapest, allowing fans to get the most bang for their buck! Homicide’s manager, the always opinionated J-Train, joins Homicide in this three hour shoot interview, as both tell tales from their careers.
This isn’t your typical shoot interview with “Where are you from?” & “What’s your sign?” type of questions, as the DOI asked all the hard-hitting questions to these two men.
Hear Homicide talk about his two huge title wins this year, as he recaps his TNA career and winning the ROH World Title at the end of 2006. Hear J-Train speak about his hatred for New Jack & Raven. The DOI didn’t know what to expect with J-Train in the house, and after you watch this shoot, you’ll never want to piss off J-Train in your life! J-Train speaks out against former ECW stars and shoots about everything on the wrestling scene.
Homicide, one never to shy away from a question, talks about everything in his career. Promotions discussed in-depth are JAPW, TNA, WXW, USA PW, UCW, WSU, 3PW, PWU, CZW, JCW, IWA-MS, PWG & more. Homicide talks about his classic matches and feuds with the likes of Samoa Joe, American Dragon, Steve Corino & others.
Homicide & J-Train also talk about tons of wrestlers on the indy & national level today. You’ll be shocked to hear what they say.
For those who must know, the DOI also asks Homicide all about the Dan Maff/Danny Lopez situation. Get Homicide’s reaction on tape for the first time ever on this shoot interview.
Both these stars also speak out very candidly on internet fans. For any fan who’s ever even looked at the ROH Message Board, you won’t want to miss out on what Homicide & J-Train say.
If you’ve never heard Homicide or J-Train speak openly before, you can trust us that you will get your money’s worth with this huge shoot interview. For fans who know what Homicide & J-Train are about, you know we’re not exaggerating when we tell you this is one of the best and most unique shoot interviews today. This is something you don’t want to miss.
Like most shoot interviews, there were tons of more stuff asked than the questions below. Homicide & J-Train went off on tangents, and at points, J-Train sings for the camera! Here’s just a brief look at the stuff we asked these two Rottweillers:
It is January 4th 2007 and we’re less than 3 weeks removed from your huge ROH title win. What was going through your head, during, before & after the match and what’s it like being the new ROH World Champ?
Was there any problems from TNA’s end about you being ROH’s world champion?
Being a TNA wrestler, how will it affect your ROH world title reign, if it will at all?
Thoughts on the Rottweillers re-uniting in full? Thoughts on the US return of the Havana Pitbulls later this month?
Thoughts on ROH message board fans? Thoughts on some of those fans already saying you’re a transitional champion?
Not to rehash stuff you’ve said in previous shoot interviews, but what was the Doghouse like and what do you think of the impact it had on wrestling now that it’s closed?
For J-Train, thoughts on your double ring match with Havok & Wrecka?
Thoughts on Bobby Lombardi? What’s the latest with him?
You were trained by Manny Fernandez. Thoughts on him today? Thoughts on the Ricky O shoot interview where Ricky said Simms repossessed Manny’s NWA tag team title?
Thoughts on your “Blood was Better” JAPW days? Favorite matches? Favorite Bayonne moments?
Thoughts about Bandido and how did he affect your career?
Thoughts on JAPW today?
Thoughts on Fat Frank, Ray Sager, Jonny D?
Do you think JAPW slacked off when ROH got bigger?
Thoughts on breaking into USA PW? Do you think Frank Goodman shut down the doghouse just so he could use the doghouse guys exclusively?
Thoughts on working for UCW & Jac Sabboth?
Thoughts on the Sabboth/Goodman heat at the time and the differences between their promotions?
Thoughts on Ki’s & Xavier feud? Thoughts on their ladder match in 2001?
Thoughts about your early matches with Low Ki?
Thoughts on JCW & Ricky O?
How did the early years of your career compared to today’s indy wrestling landscape?
when you and boogaloo first came into roh, you were both well known around the NY scene, but ROH was compiling their roster from all over the country. did you see or feel any differences between working there compared to the usual promotions? did you see roh being on to something early on?
you and boogaloo came to roh as the Natural Born Sinners. What led to Boogaloo leaving? Did you think that he was making the wrong choice at the time? did you think that by him picking a rival philly promotion over roh during the height of the philly wars would cause him to not be welcomed back?
-your singles career in roh, began a little bit earlier than you probably thought it would. did you intend to stay as a team there for long or were you happy to be doing your own thing?
-your feud with steve corino has always been a welcomed highlight in roh and it pretty much kicked in right as boogaloo left roh. thought on corino, the lengthy feud, the fan reactions, the feud elevating you as a main event singles compeitor, etc
corino stuff- war of the wire, slapping his ear, shaving his head, when 187 got hurt in nyc at final battle 2k5
-What happened with the riot at the elks
-throughout 2003, ROH was gradually teasing tension between yourself and Low Ki, especially after J-Train was brought in and after the riot at the first anniversary show in queens. by the end of the year, Low Ki had left ROH and nothing ever came out of it. outside of him cornerning you at final battle 2003, Ki didn’t return until july of 2004 where he made his big heel turn and joined the rottweilers. if low ki had not left roh at that time, was there a planned program with both of you? did that planned program in any way lead to his departure?
formation of the core rottweilers
How come roh never gave grim reefer a regular spot despite him being involved at several roh events throughout the years
Thoughts about working with veterans and legends in the business?
What legends/vets helped you guys in ROH?
Thoughts on the rise of Jay Lethal?
Are veterans responsible to help the new generation?
How did ECW affect the indies?
Thoughts on Da Hit Squad(Maff/Mack) going their separate ways and how that affected them
What happened with Dan Maff & can you clear up any internet rumors?
Thoughts on forming the SST in JAPW
the differences between the SST and the Rottweilers if any
what did you feel about the czw feud last year
what promotions do you like working for
what promotions don’t you like working for
Thoughts on color in wrestling, and what’s the one color that matters?
Thoughts on the “hip-hop” generation in wrestling? Thoughts on white kids being Rott fans? Thoughts on white surbanites saying “nigga”?
For J-Train what happened with you, New Jack & Tammy Sytch? What would you like to say to New Jack?
Thoughts on CM Punk and your FIP feud with him? Thoughts about Punk in the WWE?
Thuoghts about Steve Corino as a promoter?
Thoughts about IWA-MS and your memories there?
Thoughts about Chris Hero as a wrestler and your matches with him?
Thoughts about PWG and your matches there?
For Homicide, thoughts on Marc Adler/The Motivator? Thoughts on his dirty flea-infested apartment? Thoughts on the blackout?
Thoughts about WXW & afa?
Thoughts on your chase of the ROH title with Samoa Joe?
You’ve wrestled alot of big names, who were your favorite to wrestle?
Thoughts on your sutdents & friends: Reefer; Deranged; Azraiel; Low Life Louie; Low Ki; DRS; CSC; Solution; Eddie Guapo; Smoked Out; Slugger; Bison bravado; Da Hit Squad; Danny Demanto; SAT’s; Red; Wrecka
Thoughts on people who say they trained at the doghouse but were really only there for a day?
Thoughts on EC Negro saying he was going to be a Rottweiler for awhile?
Thoughts on Jack Evans? Is Pac the next Jack evans?
Thoughts on Carmine Sabia and the way he talks to wrestlers onlline?
Thoughts about 3PW and Jasmin?
Thoughts on PWU?
THoughts on Joe & Maff’s statements about the split?
Do people need to realize this is a business first?
Thoughts on your feud with Trent Acid? Thoughts on Trent today, personally & professionally? Do you think Kashmere holds him back?
Thoguhts on Billy Reil?
Thoughts on NWS & Joe Panzarino?
Thoughts about your match with Chris Candido at UXW?
Do you think too many indy guys worry about winning and losing?
Thoughts on Da Hit Squad?
What exactly happened with you and Dan Maff? Why did Maff leave wrestling? Was he blackballed?
Thoughts on Maff’s JAPW Title reigns?
Was Maff too close to Fat Frank and was Frank biased towards him?
Thoughts on Mack? Thoughts on Mack’s carreer w/o Maff? Thoughts on Mack/Demanto fighting over the hogsplash/frogsplash?
Thoughts on Colt Cabana?
Do you think the indy scene is watered down?
Thoughts on wrestlers becomijng promoters?
Thoughts on Billy Firehawk & his death?
Thoughts on holding 3 indy titles at once (PWU/JAPW/FIP)?
Thoughts on the NY/Philly feud?
Thoughts on Teddy Hart feud in JAPW? Thoughts on Teddy as a wrestler & as a businessman? Thoughts on stealing his sneakers?
Thoughts onB-Boy?
Thoughts on hardcorewrestling? Is it easy to be stereotyped? Thoughts on Corporal Robinson, New jack & Messiah?
How did you get into TNA? Is it true WWE wanted you at the time too?
Thoughts on Mick Foley and was he trying to get you into WWE?
Thoughts on debuting i nTNA? Did you feel underappreciated?
Thoughts about jobbing to Sharkboy & Norman Smiley in comedic fashion?
Thoughts about rise of LAX? Did you ever think it would take off?
Why was Ricky Vega kicked out of the group for Hotstuff Hernandez ?
Thoughts on Jeff Jarrett? Is he as political as the internet rumormills say he is?
Thoughts on Kevin Nash and the PCS angle? Thoughts on the way TNA has been using Low Ki & Jay Lehtal?
Thoughts about Kurt Angle signing with TNA? Does this really make TNA an umber 2?
Thoughts on winning your first national title (TNA tag team titles?)
Did you ever see yourself as a national champion?
Thoughts on Konnan? THoughts on his illness? Will he be back? How has he helped or hurt you in TNA?
Will Low Ki be in LAX?
Favorite TNA Matches? Worst TNA Matches?
Thoughts on TNA on how they fit on the wrestling landscape as a whole?
Thoughts on Samoa Joe in TNA?
Thoughts on wrestling Kurt Angle?
Favorite feuds in TNA?
How would you book or change TNA if you could?
Do you see TNA getting bigger? Do you think TNA wil lbe around 5 years from now?
Thoughts on the overall indy scene today? What wrestlers do you like? what don’t you like?
Why do you think it took ROH 5 years to finally put the ROH Championship around your waist when it’s been clear from year one you’ve been the most popular wrestler among the fans.. ??
Rob Feinstein told the DOI that if he was still ROH you wold’ve been champion already. Do you think Gabe was too late pulling the trigger? How long did yo uknow were going to finally get the opportunity to become champion?
Your thoughts on possibly renewing your rivalry with teddy hart in JAPW but this time possibly with the JAPW Championship on the line?
Thoughts on NY indy wrestling? Thoughts on Goodman leaving NY for Florida?
possible BlkOut / SST feud in JAPW?
Thougths on beating up Danny Demanto at Low Life Louie’s wedding?
Thoughts on Jac Sbbboth’s WSU? Is it just a payday or can yo usee it taking off?
Thoughts on renewing your rivalry with Samoa Joe but this time as the ROH World Champion?
your thoughts on JAPW as they enter their 10th year in business?
Thoughts on Jimmy Hustler’s death?
Thoughts on wrestlers-turned promoters?
if it was possible – would you like to see an interpromtional match pitting ROH vs. JAPW?
THoughts on JAPW/ROH heat and the stuff that happened betwene them?
do you think JAPW could benefit from a feud with another promotion (ala CZW vs. ROH) if so what company?
Do you think UXW is dead since Frank Goodman no longer has a NYC promoters license?
Thoughts on the Slyck Wagner Brown/April Hunter situation?
Wha tstudents of yours aren’t living up to their potential?
Thoughts on picture on the internet with you Joe and Punk?Any heat from that picture?
What impact do you think you’ve left on the business?
Thoughts on Homicide figures, being in a video game and being immortalized in wrestling?
Thoughts on your fans?
Thoughts on internet role in wrestling?
Thoughts on girls in wrestling? Are they automatically called rats if they get with anyone in wrestling?
will you be able to squeeze in time for a pool rematch vs. the only fan who’s ever beaten you… (John Fallon)
Anything you want to say to anyone watching this?
More J-Train Specific questions:
Early doghouse memories?
-prefer being a wrestler or manager?
-thoughts on there only being a few true managers left
thoughts on the value that a good manager brings
how he goes out of his way to interact with the fans during matches such as swinging his baseball bat towards the front row or yelling things at fans wising off to him
how dominant the rottweilers have been, why the group hasn’t done much as a group this year compared to the last few
Thoughts on MLW? Thoughts on H2?
How come you haven’t had any matches in ROH?
Do you think you could manage anyone that weren’t your real friends/crew?
Will you be in TNA?
Thoughts on Konnan managing Homicide?
Was there any heat with you and Konnan for managing the same people when you met him at ROH recently?
All this and much more was asked in this three hour conversation. If you get only one shoot this year, this is the one you don’t want to miss!