Indy Shoot Interview Series #3
The third installment of the shoot interview series and is the most loaded one yet. This video features mini shoot interviews with C.M. Punk with Lucy, Samoa Joe, Teddy Hart, C.W. Anderson, Colt Cabana, Frankie Kazarian, T.J. Wilson, plus the NYC bus trip Q & A with Matt Stryker. Here’s a list of some of the topics discusses:
Teddy Hart talks about:
-Growing up around the Hart Family
-Training with the Harts, Davey Boy Smith, & Dynamite Kid
-Interest from WWE
-Thoughts on Vince McMahon
-Thoughts on some of the top indy guys in the U.S.
-What advice he’s received from Bret Hart
-Working for NWA TNA
-Going to Japan
C.W. Anderson talks about:
-Growing up in the Carolinas during the glory days of the NWA
-Taking the Anderson name
-Initial goals & how they changed
-Going to the Power Plant
-Getting his ECW tryout
-Talks about his run in ECW
-Going to Zero One
Colt Cabana talks about:
-When he decided to get into the business
-Training & what it was like
-What his first match was like
-Initial goals & how they changed
-Early promotions he worked for
-How his style has changed
-Favorite matches
Matt Stryker talks about:
-When he decided to become a wrestler
-Who influenced his style
-Thoughts on Les Thatcher
-Short term & long term goals
-Compares HWA
-Talks about wrestling fans
-Favorite match & toughest opponent
-Feelings on not getting hired by WWE
Frankie Kazarian talks about:
-Why he decided to get into the business
-Who trained him & what it was like
-Who influenced his style
-Working indies in California
-Teaming with Nova
-Going to Zero One & the japanese style
-Short term & long term goals
-How the indy scene has changed
T.J. Wilson talks about:
-Growing up around the Hart Family
-When he decided to get into the business
-Goals & how they changed
-How he ended up working for New Japan
-First New Japan tour
-Favorite matches in New Japan
-What the Hart dungeon is like
Samoa Joe talks about:
-How he got started in the business
-Initial goals
-How William Regal helped him out
-Working for Zero One
-Changing his name in Japan to King Joe
-Favorite matches
-Thoughts on ever going to WWE
-The infamous cell phone blowing up story
C.M. Punk talks about:
-When he decided to get into the business
-Who trained him
-Memories of his first match
-What does C.M. Punk stand for & how did he come up with the name
-Thoughts on IWA Mid-South
-Goals & how they changed
-Favorite matches
-Thoughts on his WWE tryout
-How the indy scene has changed