Ivan Putski Shoot Interview
RF Video sat down with pro wrestling legend Ivan Putski on 10/3/04. One of the WWF’s top babyfaces in the late 70’s and 80’s was able to relive so many memories from his start in Texas for this exclusive shoot interview. He talked about learning the business from Joe Blanchard and working all of the territories that were around like the Mid South region and Fritz Von Erichs promotion. He also talked about working for Verne Gagne and then going to the WWF for the next 20 years. We talk about all of his major feuds and life on the road for the Polish Power. Ivan talks about steroids and you will be shocked at how open he was. This is one interivew that you dont want to miss!!!
Here are some of the questions we asked Ivan Putski:
-Were you a wrestling fan growing up
-How did you get into strength competitions
-What kind of training did you do back in the late 60s, early 70s
-How did you wind up in wrestling
-What was the biggest misconception you may have had about wrestling before you entered the business.
-Your pro Football background
-Who approached you
-What was SOuthwest like?
-Did any one take you under their wings?
-Thoughts on Mil Mascaras at that time?
-Memories on Red Bastien
-Thoughts on Jose Lothario
-Memories of Joe Blanchard
-How he got to go to Mid South and work for Bill Watts
-What was Watts like as a booker
-How he went to TX and worked for Fritz Von Erich
-Stories on how he made up work outs for the Von Erichs when they were only in high school
-Working some shots for the Funks
-How he wound up in AWA for Verne Gagne
-How did you wind up in the WWWF?
-Initial thoughts on Vince Sr and Toots Mondt
-Thoughts on Bruno Sammartino
-What was the locker room like at the time
-How big was kayfabe back than
-When did you first use steroids
-Why everyone was taking them and what effect it had on him
-Memories of Peter Maivia
-Memories of headlining MSG against Billy Graham
-Did you ever meet Arnold during the 70s
-Memories of Lou Albano
-What was the out of the ring scene like back in the 70s with drugs and groupies
-Memories of Bugsy Mgraw
-Memories of the Blackjacks
-Memories of Ernie Ladd
-Memories of Ivan Koloff
-Memories of your matches with Stan Hansen during his first run in 76
-Memories of Gorilla Monsoon
-You were scheduled to work Ernie Ladd at Shea Stadium in 76 but Baron Scicluna subbed, any reason?
-Memories of your series with Bruiser Brody
-Memories of your series with Ken patera
-Was there a lot of pressure to chizzle your physique back then with the arrivals of Patera, and Graham
-Any Mr. Fuji ribs that stick out
-Was it a big deal to you to get the tag straps with Tito
-Memories of the Valiants
-Memories of the Samoans
-Memories of your series with Jesse Ventura
-Do you think the houses were different with Backlund on top rather than Bruno
-Thoughts on Backlund
-Were there any considerations to turn you heel
-Memories of Muraco
-Memories of Iron Sheik
-Memories of Killer Khan
-Memories of your series with Piper
-How did things change for you as a performer with the new era of stars like Hogan and Piper
-Thoughts on Hogan
-At what point did your son tell you he wanted to wrestle
-How active were you in training him
-How do you think he handled the pressure of being your son
-How did Vince Jr. change over time
-Compare Sr. and Jr.?
-How is your relationship with Jr?
-Were you bitter that you were phased out as wrestling was getting real hot in the late 80s and the money was better
-Thoughts on your Hall of Fame induction
-You came back in 97 briefly for a program with the Lawlers, why did it end so quick?
-Was it hard to fit into the locker room back then with a whole new generation
-When do you think a wrestler should retire
-Do you think the lack of kayfabe today hurts the business?
-Thoughts on Steve Austin?
-Why do you think so many second generation wrestlers have made it and your son was not as successful?
-What did you think of his romance with Missy Hyatt
-Are you surprised at Jesse’s success
-Are you surprised at Booker Ts success?
-early memories of Booker?
-How hard was it to be a promoter?
-Memories of Andre the Giant
-Would you ever come back as an agent or promoter?
-Any regrets?
-Favorite opponents?
-Least fav opponents?
-Rib stories?
-Are you for or against steroids in the business?