Luke Hawx Shoot Interview
In the world of professional wrestling there is no shortage of people with big mouths. There are shit talkers, big egos, and a lot of pretenders. But when it comes from people that can shoot from the hip and back it up there are very few like the stomper Luke Hawx. The New Orleans native has been part of much controversy over the course of his career. Now for the first time ever Luke Hawx will sit down in front of the RFVIDEO cameras and discuss it all and as usual he holds nothing back.
For more than a decade Luke Hawx has played with the big boys, from XPW, CZW, ROH, PWU, Wrestling Society X, Dragon Gate, NWA Wildside and even the WWE, Luke has accomplished far more than many would have ever believed and he did it all on his own terms. In this interview we will discuss it all from Rob Black, Shane Douglas, John Zandig, Johnny Kashmere, Gabe Sapolsky and even a handful of meeting Vince McMahon himself. Luke has worked with some of the most controversial names to ever enter the industry. From his unlikely start in the business thru his relationship with Vic Grimes, his unlikey foray into death match wrestling and his evolution to becoming one of wrestlings most well rounded wrestlers of this time. This interview covers it all. We will also discuss his relationship with the late Chris Kanyon, his time as a young fan on road with ECW to his burgeoning career as a hollywood stunt man, we leave no stone unturned…..
Oh and lets not forget about Extreme Rising, Luke Hawx has been very opinionated about the now defunct promotion and its controversial promoter. Hawx takes us behind the scenes of Extreme Rising and details chronics mismanagement from top to bottom and gives is the real story behind the headlines that you will only get exclusively from RFVIDEO. This is one portion of the interview that you can’t miss. This is only a portion of 4 hours of uncensored, unadulterated opinion from the man with huge fucking arms Luke Hawx.