Scott Steiner Shoot Interview
Line up the freaks…
Get out the straight jacket…
And be afraid. Very afraid.
FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER…Scott Steiner’s first legit shoot, delivered as only RF VIDEO can! Love him or hate him, one thing you can never say about Big Poppa Pump is that he’s not outspoken. Now, former WCW world heavyweight champion Scott Steiner, well known for controversial promos during Nitro’s heyday, continued his tradition of “telling it like it is” on this new release. Have you ever felt fear while administrating a shoot interview? Well we now have!
A “superstar” in WCW, WWE, ECW, and even New Japan during the 1990s and 2000. Steiner been everywhere and has held every championship title in tag-team wrestling (multiple time WCW, WWE, IWGP winner) with his brother the dog faced gremlin Rick Steiner. The former all american has dealt with a lot of the politics in the wrestling business, including butting heads with the management of WCW while going into business for himself in two infamous shoot promos on Ric Flair and DDP Not too mention Scott’s WWE run and matches with Triple H and his partnership and feud with Test. Now, for the first time, we sat big poppa pump down and got the low down on his entire glorious career. Who knew that the Pretty College boy from Michigan with the awesome mullet and slow brother would later become this generation’s version of Superstar Billy Graham? Who could guess that the innovator of the Frankensteiner would become such a jacked up powerhouse? The whole career of scott Steiner is gone over here, in depth, with the man with the largest arms in the world.
While WCW was crumbling like Rome, Scott Steiner was their World champion… their very own FREAKZILLA! As all his hocohes say, theres nothing finer then Scott Steiner, but in this case, theres nothing finer then to hear Steiner shoot all over WCW, WWE and all the men who have influced and held him back in professional wrestling . During his career, hes spent time and had main event programs in both the WWE and WCW. From working stiff, his injuries, his thoughts on the business today, ribs, roadstories, TNA, Sting, Steiner lets it all hang out here. From the amachairs, to Missy Hyatts dog, to Antonio Inoki, Hulk Hogan, and Vince McMahon. Steiner shoots on them all. Forget about his lead pipe, Steiner’s words are just as lethal!
This one goes out to all the Big Bad Booty Daddys freaks out there. RF Video is your hookup; holler if you hear me!
- Talk about your amateur background
- When did you decide to make the transition to pro wrestling
- Did you ever wrestle Kurt Angle or with any of the more known MMAs
- How close were you and Rick when you broke into the business
- Who trained you
- What do you remember about your first match against Don Kent
- How did you get into Memphis
- First impressions of the territory
- How helpful was Lawler and what was he like
- Memories of Robert Fuller
- Memories of Mick Foley from the time period
- Memories of Jeff Jarrett from back then
- What were the payoffs like
- Who did you live with
- Memories of teaming with Billy Travis
- What was the rat/groupie scene like
- Who taught you the most at this time
- Memories of Sid Vicious from this time period
- Memories of Undertaker from this time
- How did you wind up leaving for WCW
- How were you treated initially by the locker room
- Initial thoughts on Jim Herd
- Memories of your series with the Varsity Club
- Memories of Terry Funk
- Did you hold it against Flair when you came in that he refused to put your brother over
- Initial memories of Sting
- Memories of your series with the Freebirds
- Memories of your series with Midnight Express
- Memories of your series with the Skyscrapers
- Memories of your series with the Samoans
- Can you talk about your match at Havoc with the Nastys and why it is still remembered as a classic
- Memories of your series with Doom
- Is it true that you gave your brother a black eye for an angle
- Thoughts on Paul E
- Memories of your series with the Andersons
- Thoughts on Lex Luger
- Memories of your match with the Road Warriors at Starrcade 89
- How did you come up with the Frankensteiner
- Are you surprised at how common the move is now
- Did anyone ever refuse to work with you and your brother because you guys worked stiff
- How did things change when Bill Watts came in
- What happened between you and Bill Watts
- Were you surprised he was fired so quick
- Whos idea was it to push you as a singles wrestler and how did your brother react
- Memories of your series with Ric Flair
- Why did you and your brother give DDP such a hard time
- How did you wind up with Missy Hyatt as your manager and thoughts
- What is the story with you guys stealing her dog
- Memories of your series with Gordy and Williams
- Did you enjoy working more stiff with them
- Memories of working with Vader
- During this time in WCW, the early 90s did Vince ever try and make a play for you guys
- Memories of your first trips to New Japan
- Thoughts on Inoki
- Memories of matches with Vader and Bigelow
- Memories of matches with Scott Norton in NJPW
- Memories of your match with Sting and Muta
- Memories of working with Steamboat for the TV Title
- How did you guys wind up in the WWF
- Initial thoughts on Vince
- Compare the WWF and WCW locker rooms
- Were you two told to tone down your styles
- Memories of your series with the Beverlys
- Memories of your series with the Nastys in the WWF
- Memories of your series with Money Inc
- Memories of your match with the Harts
- Memories of Ultimate Warrior
- Memories of Shawn Michaels during this time period in and out of the ring
- Memories of Hogan in and out of the ring
- Were there ever any plans from either WWF or WCW to feud you and your brother in the early days
- What lead to you guys leaving the WWF
- At this point where did you and your brother see your careers? did either of you plan on retiring or winding down
- How did you wind up in ECW
- Did you ever look at ECW as a step down coming from working Tokyo Domes, Wrestlemanias, and Starrcades
- Memories of your matches with Benoit and Malenko
- Memories of your matches with Raven and Richards
- Memories of your matches with the Eliminators
- How did you and your brother wind up back in WCW
- Did you both leave ECW on good terms
- What did you think of the Nitro concept
- Initial thoughts on Bischoff
- Memories of your series on Nitro with the Road Warriors and Sting and Luger
- How different was this WCW as compared to the last WCW
- How did things change when WCW won the ratings war and the NWO were strong on top
- How influential good or bad do you think Hall and Nash was to your push
- Memories of the match with Slater and Murdoch in which you tore your tendon
- How did the whole Papa Pump gimmick come about and your initial thoughts
- Is the gimmick based on Billy Graham
- When do you think the politics got out of control in WCW
- Want happened with your arrest, what was the story
- Memories of working against your brother
- What do you think went wrong with WCW that propelled WWE to beat them
- Do you think that management were intimidated by you
- Do you think Hogan aligned himself with you for protection
- What lead you to cut the infamous promo on Nitro on Ric Flair
- What did he say to you in the back afterwards
- Did you receive any disciplinary actions
- Do you regret it
- Were there any attempts to turn that into an angle
- Why were you suspended for unprofessional behavior prior to the June 27, 2000 “Thunder” taping in Lincoln, NE.
- When did you become frustrated with WCW and why
- When your contract came due did you have talks with WWE
- Do you think it was fair or unfair to fire Scott Hall back then
- What were your thoughts when the Radicals all jumped to Titan
- What were your early impressions of Vince Russo
- How well did you know him in the WWF
- Did you think he was in over his head
- What were your impressions of the locker room
- How was the locker divided politically
- Did you think that Russo put himself on tv too much
- How did you wind up put with Buff
- Thoughts on Buff Bagwell
- Do you think it got out of hand with everyone jumping in and out of the NWO
- Is it true that was personal heat between you two
- Memories of the night he got injured in the ring with your brother
- Thoughts on Ernest Miller
- Did the constant change in management between Bischoff and Russo effect you or any of your programs in any way?
- Was Sting any different this time around as compared to your previous WCW run
- Are you surprised he hasnt wound up in the WWE
Thoughts on Bill Goldberg - Do you think he was being played politically by Nash and his crew
- How did things change when Russo was demoted and Sullivan and Busch started booking
- What were you and the boys told when they brought Eric and Vince back
- What were your thoughts on the whole New Blood-Millionaires feud
- Do you think DDP was overpushed because of his relationship with Eric Bischoff
- Thoughts on Tank Abbott
- Thoughts on Shane Douglas
- What do you think killed WCW
- What happened the night you lost a tooth in a match with Hugh Morris
- What do you remember about the match in which Sid injured his leg
- Thoughts on your series with Booker T
- Do you think being booked as WCW champion in a sense you were booked to fail since there were talks of a sale to Bischoff at the time
- Are you bitter about WCW dying
- Would you have been part of Eric Bischoff’s new WCW
- How did you find out it was sold
- What was your reaction as well as the other guys
- What do you remember about the final Nitro
- Take us through how things were ran from the moment you entered the building until after you left
- Were you under the impression you would be signed
- Did you have a problem dropping the belt that night and in hindsight do you think you should have refused in order to make yourself more valuable down the line
- At what point did you realize you werent going to be signed right away
- Are you glad you came later in hindsight since the angle bombed
- Why do you think it bombed
- How did you injure your foot
- Jim Ross would publicly say as soon as your foot is healed you would be signed. What did you think when youd hear or read that
- How did you wind up going into the WWE
- How did Vince change
- What were your promised going in
- How healthy were you
- How had things changed since the last time you were there
- Initial thoughts on Triple H
- Did you hurt Chris Nowinski on your first night
- A lot of people felt your first match with Triple H was booked to go too long, do you agree or disagree and why do you and why was it
- Were you surprised when the crowd turned on the match
- Were you surprised you started getting booed after that
- How did Triple H react to all of this
- During the feud with Evolution were there ever any problems between you and Flair
- Thoughts on matches with Chris Jericho
- Was there ever any concern to pulling the plug on the HHH program early
- Do you think the failure of that feud to get over resulted in your demise there
- Thoughts on Batista and Randy Orton
- Thoughts on JBL
- How did you wind up with Test
- How much freedom did you have in your promos or did the writers write everything and thoughts on that
- Thoughts on matches with the Dudleys
- Thoughts on the whole Test program
- Thoughts on Steve Austin
- Thoughts on wrestling RVD
- What lead to your leaving
- Did you leave on good terms
- Do you regret anything about your last time there
- Will you go back at any point
- Jerry Jarrett wrote a book and says you jerked Jeff around when he contacted you originally about working for TNA and you werent as good a friend to Jeff as he thought. Your thoughts?
- Do you think Jeff can be a successful top guy in TNA now that they are on Spike TV
- What is your future
- Do you think TNA has a future
- Do you think you will be a part of it
- Why do you think the business is in a decline?
- What are you doing today?
- Have you ever refused to do a job and why
- Regrets
- Favorite and least favorite opponents
- In your opinion most overrated and underrated workers
- Can you still be a main draw in 2005
- Future plans
- Advice for young guys
- Thoughts on newsletters and the internet
- Best ribs you ever saw
- Road stories from all areas
- Are you surprised by guys like Terry Funk and Flair who have been around this long
- Any talks with NWATNA
- Thoughts on the lack of kayfabe today in wrestling
- Are you surprised that Bret Hart came back to a DVD with the WWE
- Is there anyone you didn’t get a chance to work with that you wished you would have
- Can a good television writer write good wrestling
- Can a newsletter or an internet reporter objectively critique a match
- Thoughts on Steroids in wrestling
- What was your favorite time in your career
- What is your favorite moment in your career
- What do you think is wrong with the business today
- Would you like to be in the WWE Hall of Fame
- Any thoughts on writing a book